how to overthrow the us government cult scam

whether the victim knows or is aware of the scam or is participating in the scam being unaware of the scam, or

not being able to piece together the scam (that is the scam is in bits and pieces and has to be put together for it to be seen in

its entirety)

ground zero for the cult is new york city, bronx...

a) go to 

b) go to the pennsylvania site map

c) read the names of the top 30 cities as a blueprint for activites to be carried out in the bronx..lebanon = bronx lebanon hospital = mechanicsburg = mechanic shops along a main street in the bronx etc


alternative location for the cult these are areas where pieces of this cult are strewn about and can be linked back to the main overthrow plot in New York City

Durham, NC

Dallas, Texas

El Paso Texas  (land out in the middle of nowhere)

McCullough Texas  (land out in the middle of nowhere)

wyoming red desert    (land out in the middle of nowhere)

arizona st johns  (land out in the middle of nowhere)

Fort stockton Texas  (land out in the middle of nowhere)

Nevada winnemucca    (land out in the middle of nowhere)

peaslyville, New York  (shack fix and flip repair, where the shack is in front of a wood/forest)

RV dealers and internet sites

Trailer dealers and internet sites

Tiny Home dealers and internet sites

Wood and Log Cabin dealers and internet sites

fix up and flip housing dealers and internet sites


Using the Victim to create the cult leader

Training the cult leader in the wilderness as unwanted due to raping females to produce births of the cult leaders..

Cult leader parents:

The ideal parents for their cult victim is to  have

      a)  parents want no part of the child as it is a product of rape and treats the child with contempt or hatred or abandons the child where child grows up in a shelter or orphanage

      b)  force men on women and force women to have children after being raped or attack..

       c) force women under job and income control to live in slums in the inner cities or in homeless shelters and use these shelters (paid for with city taxpayer money)  as breeding grounds for the cult leader creation scenarios

       d) use codes to justify forcing or raping women for their cult overthrow games

       e) use job and income control to insure that the victim has no money and use this lack of money to equate the victim to thugs, crimminals, drug addicts in these shelters and since they are equal to these thugs in these shelters use this as an excuse to try

                 and use them to fuck the victim and create their cult leader in these inner city slums and gutters..also belittle and ridicule the victim into submission to their fuck shows games for their cult leader creation activities

while operating the cult leader show, how to get paid for operating this cult leader show...

    you get paid for interfering in the life and money of the victim, either 

          a) using the victims parents to get get money from the parent to the victim and then from the victim to the one they are paying to use witchraft to demonize the victim for the cult

          b) use the victim to build on line internet sites that have codes that link the victim to the cults or males to fuck where the victim can't read the codes or is caused to not see the codes in these templates, 

          c)  create songs, tv shows, movies, that attempt to link images of the victim to those males or ideas that the cult creaters are trying to force, anger or

               harrasss the victim into doing..that is using the media to insult and intimidate the victim into submitting and following along with the cult agenda or activities

how to breed a cult leader who looks like past historical figures, leaders, revolutionaries...

so we have a group of folks who goes around matching names and genetical composition  to breed humans who look like or carry certain traits and features  (ie hair color, eye color etc)

example:  in Europe is the name :noensenes" get that name to the usa, i cause the person carrying the name noensense to migrate to the usa..

lets say I want noenses to look like queen elizabeth of england.. hence the "reincarnated elizabeth" I find folks in the country who look like the lady and then breed these folks with the immigrant get the traits.. now I have the traits and name in one family..

next to create the cult is to get the one carrying the genetics into the gutters and with no money where they can be held a hostage and under hostage situations but through their breeding programs..

why breed a cult leader who looks like past historical figures..It is a scam where the cult tries to convince the victim that he is the reincarnated image of the past historical figure and thus should carry out the same revolutionary agendas as the previous one.

what are numerical breedings..these are where folks do not have the genetical looks of past historical figures, however they have number sequences and these number sequences lock/trick  them into thiking that because they carry these numbers, and these numbers match 

past historical folks, that they must be these folks as they match the numbers..  to breed by the numbers again involves attacking folks and dragging them into impoverished conditions with no money and controling access to money and using the poverty to locate, relocate, that is to 

human traffic women or males to certain locations for these cult like breeding episodes. usually again these cult breeding shows are paid for with tax payer moneys in the form of HUD Vouches, Section *, City welfare and food stamp payments....In the case in the bronx they built a shelter and paid for the shelter with federal taxpayer money while denying the victim the right to work, where the shelter was on 190 street  and 190 was the code to fuck into existance a cult with the number sequence of 1 and 9 which was stopped..

with this scam, the victim a college graduate, was kept from being employed at a college graduate job, then forced onto welfare, public services and given a HUD voucher to pay for housing in a homeless shelter which turned out to be the location where they had installed their genetic clowns to be fucked..and they kept the victim without money and cash and interfered with her ability to get a decent job at her academic level, so that they could operated their cult and try and fuck into existance their cult clown with numberical sequencees, the victim is looking for compesation for the 8 year human trafficking ordeal she went through while watching this cult attempt to use her and her "pharonic dna" type to create cult leaders who look like the 18th revolutionary dynasty in egypt.  That is this lady was denied money, property and resources, kick on and off jobs and then dragged under conditions of poverty, that is human trafficked to inner city slums and towns of shacks so as these folks could attempt to use her dna for a cult to over throw the us government... citing her families similarity and looks to the 18th pharonic dynasty as the motivation for causing revolutionaty activities in the united states.. when she failed to comply they then resorted to embarrasments, humilations, insults, mental and emotional upheavals, pain, terror, torture, excuses to down class her to the level of the clowns in the shelters they were trying to fuck..and when this failed, they attempted reverse psychology with ideas and how great it is to have families with inner city impoverished males in shelters..they then grabbed under age 6 males and females who look similar to what a child born from her and the inner city males would look like and then proceed to stalk her on the 

internet, in libraries and shopping with images of these disgusting looking toddlers..several movies/songs were made (using actors/actress both black white and hispanic) also that attempt to link her to to fucking inner city males and to the images of these nasty looking cult kids.  That is to say we had an active case of hollywood actors and actress making movies, (singers making songs) where these movies (songs) where designed to cause mental anguish on the victim, and try and harrass her into their fuck show scenarios in the inner city gutter for the cult leader creation to overthrow the us government.

Also the inner city males in this cult show was actively instructed via TV, music and songs, news broadcastes, commercials, print media and the local area demonics to "rape" and attack women, (that is it was okay to rape and attack women to get the job done) as the codes called for cult leaders to be created by raping or assaulting women in inner city slums and gutters. Again federal taxpayer money in the form of HUD vouchers, section 8 payments, food stamps and welfare and medicaid/medicare payments were given to the victim and those they wanted to rape, attack and assault the victim in the gutter for the cult creation leader cult who was to be used to overthrow the us government due to these numerical signs and genetic compositions. With this a failure the next step was the bribes, that is bribe the victim to fuck the cult leader into existance.

In this bribe activity..the victim was allowed to return to work, however the only money making positions or activites that they could use were ones that worked with the cult's view and philosophies and these positions were trying to link the victim to the cult.

In this cult mary, the virgin mother of christ is a prostitute..thus the victim can only work in positions that imply prostitution. Since the victim wont work in this occupation, the victim works in jobs that are legal "but sound like" prostititution.  And joseph is a carpenter, hence she has land and has to build on this land with joseph (inner city thugs)

hence she is a customer service representative, or call center agent.. that is call girl  call center center agent sounds like call girl.  this is interference with her ablity to earn an income or job discrimmination, and their ability to block out all other occupations she could do and only allow

her into occupations that match their cult views is illegal job control. In addition her scheduled hirings and firings where she is hired and then fired in a timed manner that builds their financial mismangement personality background building routine"  That is if I get caught operating this cult, I have to have a way to blame the victim for all the things I have been doing to them, thus I breed into the victim "fall back" positions that I can fall back on and blame the victim for my attacks on the victim. Causing a massive financial mismangement, credit issues, evictions, and lack of paying bills, is the

biggest of the fall back scams to blame the victim. However to build this the victim must first aquire property, cars, homes, etc and this requires I make them work at companies and locations that have the cult insignia on it.  This makes the victim thankful to the cult that is attempting to ensnare them.  Then with income, the victim goes about aquiring homes,cars, credit. To build the financial mess, is to have the victim lose their job, and block their ability to get another job, and with no income to pay for these items, they default on mortgages, get evicted for not paying rent, lose credit cards, etc..and they repeat this process over and over and over again until the victim has had enough of their abuse... Each time they do this the victim has to turn to social service, taxpayer money to live on.

however we also caught them in dallas, trying to deny the victim unemployment, and electricity payments.. and rental assistance..ensuring that a paper trail was created of financial instability...with unemployment, the idea is to ensure that the victim doesnt work 40 hours for at least 6 weeks befoer they are "fired" or let go on a draw unemployment you have to work I think 6 weeks at 40 hours each week. So when she wored at REI we watched them ensure that she did not get the 40 hours by ensuring she was fired or her hours were reduced in that 6th week ensuring she would not be eligible for unemployment insurance.  She is on a job now with maximus and they had her work 37.7 hours just under 40 hours in her second week again attempting to stop her from getting unemployment when this position ends.

with her car, they cause her to be backed up in payments..which is game they play.. this game works like this:  cause the victim to be backed up by at least 5 monthly payments..and of course if you are backed up by 5 monthly payments usually you have lost the item ..then we play "recover.".that is when they cause funds to show up and make all 5 backed up payments...they have this truck that they stalk the victim with, and the name of the company is restorative something or other, and if the victim can get the funds to make the 5 monthly payments then they are stalked around with this car/truck..if they can't make the payments, then they start in with "mood state mysticism"..With mood state mysticism, they take a already bad situation, back up 5 payments, missed 2 rent payments, can't pay the light bill this month, whatever the bill that is backed up, and they apply mood control and emotional control along with mantras with the goal of making you extremely upset and depresed at psychotic levels or not paying a bill, missing a payment, or losing a credit card. Adding to this mood state depression is the sad and dark music with the sad lyrics, and the dark sounds, and of course the repetitive mantras, your this or that, lookat how bad you are, you can t pay this, and all this is combined with:

you should jump off a bridge

die, kill yourself or others..this really extreme, I mean we are talking about being late on a bill or something, but they are so desperate for action or to cuase the victim to do something crimminal, immoral or illegal that they turn just simply mishaps into extraordinary psychotic incidents.....

you should get even by  going and kiling your boss or coworkers who caused this

since this is the 4th time now that we have done this to you, you should fess and give up or carry out our agendas and objectives

it is usually at these make or break points that you can determine what their goals and objectives were for causing the mess to begin with.